@article{11795, keywords = {laser cooling, optical tweezers, quantum simulation}, author = {Matthew Norcia and A. Young and Adam Kaufman}, title = {Microscopic Control and Detection of Ultracold Strontium in Optical-Tweezer Arrays}, abstract = {Optical tweezers provide a versatile platform for the manipulation and detection of single atoms. Here, we use optical tweezers to demonstrate a set of tools for the microscopic control of atomic strontium, which has two valence electrons. Compared to the single-valence-electron atoms typically used with tweezers, strontium has a more complex internal state structure with a variety of transition wavelengths and linewidths. We report single-atom loading into an array of subwavelength scale optical tweezers and light-shift-free control of a narrow-linewidth optical transition. We use this transition to perform three-dimensional ground-state cooling and to enable high-fidelity nondestructive imaging of single atoms on subwavelength spatial scales. These capabilities, combined with the rich internal structure of strontium, open new possibilities including tweezer-based metrology, new quantum computing architectures, and new paths to low-entropy many-body physics.}, year = {2018}, journal = {Physical Review X}, volume = {8}, month = {2018-12}, url = {https://journals.aps.org/prx/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevX.8.041054}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevX.8.041054}, }