@phdthesis{11928, author = {David Reens}, title = {Pushing the Limits for Directly Cooled Molecules}, abstract = {The subfield of cold and ultracold molecules is growing increasingly mature, with exciting results from laser cooled species, from precision measurement experiments, and from atomic dipolar competitors. These exciting developments have placed an appropriately stimulating pressure on direct cooling experiments to hurry along and deliver on long expected promises of high number densities and in-trap collisional e↵ects. Towards this end, this thesis reports on several fundamental improvements in the key techniques employed. The first plugged magnetic traps for cold dipolar molecules are presented. Deceleration is modified to enable unprecedented improvement in the transverse trapping capability of the devices. Beam skimming is also made more e↵ective, trap loading more efficient, and designs are initiated which will allow hold times of unprecedented length.}, year = {2019}, journal = {Physics}, volume = {Ph.D.}, pages = {188}, month = {2019-10}, publisher = {University of Colorado Boulder}, address = {Boulder}, }