@proceedings{12289, author = {Carrie Weidner and Shaeema Ahmed and Jesper Jensen and Jacob Sherson and Heather Lewandowski}, title = {Investigating student use of a flexible tool for simulating and visualizing quantum mechanics}, abstract = {As education researchers gain a broader understanding of how students learn quantum mechanics, new pedagogical and technical resources are being developed to facilitate student learning. To further research-based knowledge of student learning of quantum mechanics, we present a study on the use of Quantum Composer, a flexible, flow-based tool for the exploration and simulation of quantum mechanical systems in one dimension. To explore Composer's impact on students' knowledge of quantum mechanics, we carried out think-aloud interviews where students worked through an exercise exploring the statics and time-dynamics of quantum states in single and double harmonic well potentials. Student Outcomes are then cross-coded with their observed Interactions with Composer. We find that defined Outcomes of Recollection, Reinforcement and Discovery happen most often when students are using the Composer tools that allow them to visualize quantum states, simulate their time dynamics, and change parameters repeatedly in order to understand how systems are represented in both the static and dynamic cases.}, year = {2020}, journal = {2020 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings}, pages = {563-568 }, month = {2020-08}, publisher = {American Association of Physics Teachers}, doi = {10.1119/perc.2020.pr.weidner}, }