@phdthesis{4342, author = {Alejandra Collopy}, title = {A Three-Dimensional MOT of YO Towards Narrow-Line Cooling}, abstract = {Laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping of neutral atoms has been a driving force in physics over the last few decades by providing an efficient method to produce cold and dense samples of cold atoms. Polar molecules which can have strong, long-range dipolar interactions and possess more rich internal structure promise a wide range of new physics and chemistry studies if they can be controlled efficiently. Until recently, the only way to achieve sub-milliKelvin level temperatures in molecules was to associate two precooled atomic species, which while very effective, has a firm bound on the chemical diversity accessible. While laser cooling of molecules relies on fortuitous molecular properties, it will significantly increase the choices of species available for molecular cooling. In this thesis I present the improved optical deceleration of the molecule yttrium monoxide (YO) and the loading of molecules into a 3-D magneto-optical trap (MOT). By making an improved choice of repumping scheme from our groups\textquoteright previous work, our photon scattering rate has been increased. By also improving our buffer gas cell source, we produce a much larger flux (\~2000 times higher) of slowed molecules at 5 m/s to reach the trapping region. I have designed and implemented 3-D MOT field coils operating at 5 MHz, and demonstrated a successful operation of a 3-D MOT. This is the first 3-D laser trapping of an oxide and the first of a molecule with an electronic state intermediate to the main cycling transition states. I have also performed a study of the transition from the ground state to the intermediate electronic state, which has a narrower linewidth of \~150 kHz, in contrast to the main cycling transition\textquoterights linewidth of 5 MHz. This transition is well suited to second-stage narrow line cooling after loading molecules with the main MOT transition, which will allow direct laser cooling of a molecule to the 10 uK regime.}, year = {2018}, volume = {Ph.D.}, pages = {158}, month = {2018-07}, publisher = {University of Colorado Boulder}, address = {Boulder}, }